
A Closet App.

Problem Space

With our busy lifestyles it can be easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Our homes and our closets just become an afterthought, causing us to not look our best.  If we don’t have clean clothes, that we know we look good in, then that causes stress and affects our confidence.

Key Insights

This project started as a simple closet organization app. After researching what apps were already in the marketplace I realized that nearly all the apps are for the fashion conscious.

There wasn’t really anything out there geared towards the average person who whats to look good but doesn’t really want to spend a lot pf time on it. Also, a lot of the users I spoke to were mostly concerned with balancing their wardrobe, while keeping a regular rotation going.

And so A-Game was born - a fashion app that helps you bring it!


Next Steps

  • Further research in to the less fashionably-focused

  • Broaden the competitive matrix to include some comparators

  • Consider possible partnership companies

  • Further explore laundromat integration

  • Design Studio Iteration, prototyping and usability testing


Creative Direction


FLEXIT / By-The-Minute Gym Access


Barry, The Astorian